otsmaster - 2016-05-14 12:36:18 |
Witam Start 15 Maja 20.00! OPIS OTS'a IP : simsonots.eu - Latest News PORT : 7171 CLIENT : 8.60 Questy Zaoan Fist Quest (lvl 80 +) Behemoth Quest (lvl 80 +) Warlord Arena Quest (lvl 80 +) Annihilator Quest (lvl 100 +) Demon Helmet Quest (lvl 100 +) Summer Dress Quest (Ankaros lvl 130 +) Xerxes Quest (lvl 150 +) Pits of Inferno Quest (lvl 150 +) Demon Treasure Quest (lvl 150 +) Elvish Bow Quest (lvl 200 +) Inquisition Quest (lvl 200 +) Color Helmet Quest (lvl 250 +) Annihilator II Quest (lvl 250 +) Donator Boots Quest (lvl 250 +) Nightmare shield Quest (lvl 260 +) Flawless Ice Crystal Quest (lvl 260 +) Formorgar Mines Quest (lvl 280 +) Excavation Quest (lvl 280 +) Pits of Inferno II Quest (lvl 300 +) Demon Oak Quest (lvl 300 +) Magic Plate Armor Quest (lvl 320 +) Yalahari Quest (lvl 320 +) Golden Sword Quest (lvl 320 +) Ice Axe Quest (lvl 320 +) Girls Dress Quest (lvl 320 +) Demon Helmet II Quest (lvl 320 +) Dragon Scale Helmet Quest (lvl 330 +) Dark Tower Quest (lvl 333 +) Bunny Slippers Quest (lvl 333 +) Impaler Quest (lvl 340 +) Havoc Blade Quest (lvl 350 +) Demolandes Continuation Quest (lvl 350 +) Elven Armor Quest (lvl 355 +) Post Officers Quest (lvl 360 +) Juggernaut Quest (lvl 360 +) Drahalas Quest (lvl 360 +) Donator Shield Quest (lvl 360 +) Inquisition II Quest (lvl 360 +) Speed Helmet Quest (lvl 380 +) Orange Magic Amulet Quest (lvl 380 +) Golden Magnat Quest (lvl 380 +) Elven Legs Quest (lvl 380 +) Firewalker Boots Quest (lvl 400 +) Demon Legs Quest (lvl 400 +) Santa Teddy Quest (lvl 400 +) Brown Turban Quest (lvl 400 +) Golem Ring Quest (lvl 400 +) Brown Jacket Quest (lvl 400 +) Great Shield Quest (lvl 400 +) Underground Dragon Quest (lvl 400 +) Medusa Quest (lvl 400 +) Annihilator III Quest (lvl 400 +) Pits of Inferno III Quest (lvl 400 +) Source of Fire Quest (lvl 400 +) Average Arena Quest (lvl 400 +) Crystal Boots Quest (lvl 415 +) Guardian Boots Quest (lvl 420 +) Winged Helmet Quest (lvl 420 +) Ancient Tiara Quest (lvl 420 +) Speed Amulet Quest (lvl 430 +) Labirynt Quest (lvl 430 +) Galfactor Quest (lvl 440 +) Demon Helmet III Quest (lvl 440 +) Critical Axe Quest (lvl 440 +) Kosheis Ancient Amulet Quest (lvl 440 +) Golden Boots Quest (lvl 440 +) Pits of Inferno IV Quest (lvl 440 +) Nerol Quest (lvl 444 +) Mexcalibur Quest (lvl 444 +) Nighalak Quest (lvl 444 +) Firlefanz Quest (lvl 450 +) Natural Plant Quest (lvl 450 +) Crystal Arrow Quest (lvl 450 +) Eagle Shield Quest (lvl 450 +) Mag Master Quest (lvl 450 +) Annihilator IV Quest (lvl 450 +) Energy Underground Quest (lvl 450 +) Silkweaver Bow Quest (lvl 450 +) Inquisition III Quest (lvl 450 +) Diablo Amulet Quest (lvl 450 +) In Forgotten House Quest (lvl 450 +) Labirynt II Quest (lvl 480) Underground Tunnels Quest (lvl 500 +) Budder Helmet Quest (lvl 500 +) Mana Bucket Quest (lvl 500 +) Dwarven Helmet Quest (lvl 500 +) Hesperd Forgotten House Quest (lvl 500 +) Dragon Scale Boots Quest (lvl 500 +) Engine Quest (lvl 500 +) Magical Amulet Quest (lvl 520 +) Flame Ring Quest (lvl 520 +) Ferumbras Hat Quest (lvl 550 +) Underground House Quest (lvl 550 +) Annihilator V Quest (lvl 550 +) Diablo Mask Quest (lvl 550 +) Labirynt III Quest (lvl 550 +) Energetic Quest (lvl 555 +) Star Ring Quest (lvl 580 +) Draken Boots Quest (lvl 580 +) Dwarven Legs Quest (lvl 600 +) Starlight Amulet Quest (lvl 600 +) Inquisition IV Quest (lvl 600 +) Pits of Inferno V Quest (lvl 600 +) Nemiroz Quest (lvl 600 +) Fantastical Quest (lvl 600 +) Golden Gloves Quest (lvl 600 +) Dragon Scale Legs Quest (lvl 600 +) Demon Helmet IV Quest (lvl 600 +) Strong Arena Quest (lvl 600 +) Shield of Corruption Quest (lvl 600 +) Labirynt IV Quest (lvl 620 +) Magical Ring Quest (lvl 650 +) Magnetic Quest (lvl 650 +) Blue Ring Quest (lvl 650 +) Enigmatic Quest (lvl 650 +) Fist Claw Quest (lvl 666 +) Devil Tower Quest (lvl 666 +) Galactic Quest (lvl 666 +) Pits of Inferno VI Quest (lvl 700 +) Inquisition V Quest (lvl 700 +) Demon Helmet V Quest (lvl 750 +) Ruler of The Undead Quest (lvl 777 +) Chamber of Secrets Quest (lvl 777 +) Secret Underground Quest (lvl 777 +) Labirynt V Quest (lvl 800 +) Mystical Underworld Quest (lvl 800 +) Hard Arena Quest (lvl 800 +) Inquisition VI Quest (lvl 800 +) Levitation Quest (lvl 888 +) Labirynt VI Quest (lvl 900 +) Dungeon Quest (lvl 900 +) Arathar Quest (lvl 900 +) Imperial Quest (lvl 1000 +) Demon Helmet VI Quest (lvl 1000 +) Underground Jungle Quest (lvl 1000 +) Emporium Quest (lvl 1100 +) The Old Muses Quest (lvl 1200 +) Demon Helmet VII Quest (lvl 1400 +) Champion Underworld Quest (lvl 1500 +) Pits of Inferno VIII Quest (lvl 1500 +) Secret Catacombs Quest (lvl 1666 +) Lobotomy Quest (lvl 1777 +) Lord of The Pharaohs Quest (lvl 1800 +) Secret of The King Quest (lvl 2000 +) Secret of The God Quest (lvl 2200 +) King of The Pharaohs Quest (lvl 2400 +)
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50-150: x 250
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1800-2200: x 7
2200-2400: x 6
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2600-2800: x 4
2800-3000: x 3
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Dziekuje za zapoznanie sie z Serwerem Simson OTS :) Zyczymy milej gry!!! ;)
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