otsmaster - 2016-03-31 19:45:37

Furora OTS


Tibia 10.90/10.91

port 7171

ip furora.net

Exp Stages

1-30: x 120

30-50: x 100

50-70: x 70

70-100: x 50

100-125: x 40

125-150: x 30

150-180: x 20

180-200: x 10

200 +: x 3

Skills: x 20

Magic Level: x 10

Loot: x 2

Houses: 75 lvl +

Protection level: 75 lvl +

PZ Lock: 60 seconds

White Skull Time: 5 minutes

Frags to Red Skull: 5 (Day)

Frags to Black Skull: 10 (Day)

Why you should choose Furora OTS?

* Full RPG System - low stages - long edition!

* Great Map - we have all areas from newest clients.!

* 100 % Real Quests - You must make quest like real tibia!

* Full Taming Mounts - Taming mounts like real tibia!

* Many Events - on Wenibia we organize many events for players. You can participate in one, that you choose!

* Support - our server have great support. We answer in private message. We have also Bug Report system on our page.

* Server Security - our server is free from DDoS'es. We are hosted by the best company for Open Tibia Servers - OVH.

* World Changes - on Wenibia you can find many world changes.

* Balanced Vocations - all vocations are very balanced and fulfil their roles.

Here are some screenshots from the server:


No wait! go http://furora.net and Make account now!

otsmaster - 2016-06-25 15:49:33


otsmaster - 2016-10-13 12:57:19


otsmaster - 2017-01-07 16:59:19


otsmaster - 2017-02-12 13:41:38


otsmaster - 2017-04-10 08:52:45


otsmaster - 2017-09-22 04:55:07


otsmaster - 2018-03-01 20:55:35


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