pezem - 2010-07-16 15:21:49

Tak jak w temacie, mam PS CS4 i brak kolorów, chodzi o to że gdy chcę coś narysować to mam 3 kolory, biały,szary,czarny, brak jakiegokolwiek innego. Daje 2+ za pomoc. Błąd wystąpił wtedy kiedy dodawałem pędzle. Nie wiem co się mogło stać ;//

Fox - 2010-07-16 15:53:41

Image-Mode-RGB Color

pezem - 2010-07-16 15:59:41

To nie to, kolory są jaśniejsze np. jasny zielony jest prawie jak biały, ale nadal mam te 3 kolory ;/

pezem - 2010-07-16 19:51:32

Można zamknąć, po kłopocie.

zombeks - 2010-07-22 09:03:01

1. @edit nie gryzie
2.^ double post
3. do pkt. 1 edytujesz i tam mowisz, ze temat do zamkniecia.\
4. to jest troche nabijanie postow (wiem cos o tym xD)
A teraz temat do zamkniecia :P

criminal defense lawyer 3 - 2012-06-19 06:52:49

You may cancel the document at any time by giving proper notice to the person you had authorized to act for you. Until the person receives propercriminal defense lawyernotice from you, any acts that the person completes for you in good faith is considered legal until they have received proper notice. The person you have authorized to act for you may also resign by giving you proper notice. Proper notice is given in writing and may be sent by first-class mail, hand delivered or faxed.

criminal defense lawyer 3 - 2012-06-19 06:59:02

You may cancel the document at any time by giving proper notice to the person you had authorized to act for you. Until the person receives propercriminal defense lawyernotice from you, any acts that the person completes for you in good faith is considered legal until they have received proper notice. The person you have authorized to act for you may also resign by giving you proper notice. Proper notice is given in writing and may be sent by first-class mail, hand delivered or faxed.